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Mr Barry Lau, jewellery artist, graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a professional Diploma in jewellery design. Born and raised in Hong Kong, he is a local jewellery designer. He has more than 20 years of experience in jewellery design, corporate visual identity design, branding design and brand building, and has served as chief designer and creative director for Hong Kong, Mainland China and international brands (Golay, MaBelle & Leo Diamond etc). With his rich experiences and design inspiration, he has won several design awards, including the Jewellery Designer Award 1998 issued by the Hong Kong Designers Association, the Tahitian Pearl TrophyDesign Competition 2001 and Swarovski Elements Jewelry Design Competition 2009 etc. In 2010, he began to establish his own brand. On the one hand, he assisted mainland companies in brand building in the form of brand design consultants, he also provided professional advice to overseas suppliers who are interested in entering the domestic market, on the other hand, he developed his own brand, and named it as ‘Barry Lau Design’ . 

劉德智先生為珠寶藝術家。劉先生是香港土生土長的珠寶設計師,在香港理工大學修畢專業珠寶設計課程。他有超過二十多年在珠寶設計、企業視覺識別設計、 品牌設計及品牌建立等的經驗 ; 也曾在香港、中國內地及國際品牌擔任首席設計師及創作總監(Golay, MaBelle & Leo Diamond etc)。憑著豐富的工作經驗及設計靈感,他曾多次獲得多個設計比賽獎項,包括有香港設計師協會所頒發的珠寶設計師獎1998 、大溪地珍珠協會的珠寶設計比賽 2001 及 Swarovski Elements Jewelry Design Competition 2009 等。在 2010 年,他開始自立門戶,一方面 以品牌設計顧問形式協助內地企業建立品牌,為有志進軍國內市場的海外供應商提供專業意見,另一方面以’Barry Lau Design’成立自家品牌。

Awards and recognitions


  • Hong Kong Star Brand Award 2017, 2018 & 2019 - Vicacci Branding Design

  • Swarovski Zirconia Official Ingredient Branding Parnter 2016-2017

  • Enlighted~ Swarovski Elements Jewellery Design Competition 2009-Necklace 

  • Enlighted~ Swarovski Elements Jewellery Design Competition 2009-Necklace 

  • 3rd Hong Kong Jewellery Design Competition 2002-Brooch

  • Tahitian Pearl Trophy Design Competition 2001-Necklace

  • Tahitian Pearl Trophy Design Competition 2001- Brooch

  • Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturer' Association Design Competition 1998-Bangle

  • Hong Kong Designers Association-design show 1998 -Rings 

Hong Kong Super Stars
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